
From December 15th through the 22nd, the Rockville High School student council hosted a spirit week in celebration of the upcoming holidays! The festivities kickstarted on Friday the 15th, where students participated in the annual Connecticut Children’s Medical Center PJ Day. Students wore their comfy clothes if they donated a dollar to kids in need. In total, the event raised over $500 in support of CCMC. On the following Monday, students wore pajama pants paired with their best top in a Zoom fit. Buddy the Elf and Rudolf made appearances for Winter Holiday Character Day on Tuesday and a variety of holiday hats could be seen on Wednesday. Thursday was a big hit for students and faculty, with the rock paper scissor tournament making a reappearance! Students were able to pick up a beaded necklace at the beginning of the day to start their tournament. Students battled in rock paper scissors with the victor taking all of the necklaces from their opponent. The student at the end of the day with the most necklaces was declared the winner. Lastly, students wore ugly sweaters on Friday!