Senior Stress

As I write this article, there is a growing list of things that I need to accomplish during my senior year. Right now, high school seniors are working on college applications, Senior Demonstration Projects, and other graduation requirements that are all a critical part of their final year of high school. On top of all of this, seniors are also trying to balance school work, sports and other extracurriculars, working a job, and making the most of this year. As a result of this, many seniors are dealing with a lot of stress and feeling very overwhelmed. The first semester of senior year, while fun, is not an easy time, and senior stress is very real.

As the year goes on and college applications are complete, a good amount of the stress that plagues seniors will begin to dissipate. By the time midterms roll around, many of us will be far less overwhelmed, and the “senioritis” will begin to set in as graduation approaches. For now, we will keep plugging along and working hard to chip away at all of our responsibilities as young adults. In addition to this, we will still be making sure to have fun and cherish the moments that we have left as students at Rockville High School before our high school careers come to a bittersweet end and we take on the next chapter of our lives.