RHS Creative Writers Attend Eastern Literary Festival and Students Take Home First and Second Place


On Friday, October 15th, a group of RHS Creative Writers went to the Eastern Literary Festival hosted by Eastern Connecticut State University. Several schools sent representatives of their creative writing programs, and many of the writers who attended the festival also entered a writing contest hosted by Eastern. The winners of the contest were announced during the festival, including several RHS students. Anaya Tolton won first prize and Nathan Kay was awarded second place.

At the festival itself, students were sent into breakout groups with established writers of many genres, and were given activities and prompts related to writing. After these breakout groups, the writers returned to the event hall for an open mic, where every student was given the chance to read a piece of their writing. This festival was a great opportunity for young creative writers to hone their craft, talk to published authors and poets, and make connections at Eastern.